
Don’t Acquire Landed Properties, Others Through Agents, FG Warns Nigerians

The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) has Wednesday warned Nigerians against acquiring properties through agents or third parties disguising to be staff of the authority.

The refutal by the authority was due to complaints of fraudulent transactions after a series of distorted layouts, and beacons were reported.

In a post on its official X handle, the authority noted that transactions on land and houses must be channelled through the Office of the Managing Director and Chief Executive of the Authority.

The post read, “The attention of the Authority has been drawn to the activities of fraudsters parading as agents of Federal Housing Authority with the sole intention of defrauding unsuspecting members of the public.

“These impostors go to the extent of distorting the Authority’s Layouts, superimpose fake beacons, forge Land Allocation letters and clone other documents with which they dupe innocent members of the general public.

“The Authority does not deal with agents or third parties in its transactions. Members of the public should refrain from transacting any business with said agents or third parties on any matter relating to the Federal Housing Authority.

“Any claims by anyone of being appointed as an agent by the Authority is false and should be disregarded.”

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