
FG launches first national agricultural sample census report in Nigeria since 1993 

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (FMAFS), in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), World Bank, and other key stakeholders, has launched the 2022 National Agricultural Sample Census Report (NASC).  

According to the National Bureau of Statistics on X, this report marks the first National Agricultural Sample Census since 1993. 

The report aims to provide robust data on agricultural activities, enhancing food and nutrition security as well as fostering economic growth. 

Speaking at the launch event held in Abuja, the Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Security, Senator Dr. Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, highlighted the importance of the data gathered from the census.  

He emphasized that the information would support evidence-based policy and decision-making across various sectors of the economy, aligning with the renewed hope agenda in the agriculture sector. 

The relevance of the NASC report  

Senator Abdullahi noted that the NASC would equip the ministry with vital statistics to monitor agricultural food supply and identify development opportunities within the sector.  

He stated, “The most significant thing about the data is that the government can now measure, and whatever you can measure, you can manage.” 

Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, commended FMAFS and its development partners for their support in producing the report.  

  • He remarked that the census outcome exemplifies the achievements possible through robust collaboration among stakeholders. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Representative in Nigeria and ECOWAS, Dominque Koffy Kouacou, emphasized that the report would provide critical data for policymakers, aiding in planning, monitoring, and evaluating programs and budgets. 

Statistician-General of the Federation and Chief Executive Officer of the NBS, Prince Adeyemi Adeniran stated, “With over 65% of the population directly or indirectly dependent on the agriculture sector for their daily sustenance, the NASC results offer invaluable insights into the very foundation of our agricultural sector.”  

He added that the report provides a detailed picture of the size and structure of farm holdings, land use patterns, crop production practices, livestock and fisheries activities, and the use of agricultural inputs, among others. 

Report findings  

The census revealed that Nigeria has about 40.2 million agricultural households.  

Of these, 91% cultivated crops, 35% practiced only crop cultivation, and 48% reported raising various types of livestock.  

  • Additionally, 16% of households raised approximately 58 million cattle, 41.2% about 124 million goats, and 42.5% poultry—most commonly chickens—while only 5% practiced fisheries.  
  • Lagos State recorded the lowest percentage of agricultural households engaged in crop cultivation at 48%, whereas Ebonyi State had the highest at 99.5%.  
  • Jigawa State reported the highest percentage of agricultural households involved in livestock production at 84.2%, followed by Bauchi State at 79.7%.  
  • Benue State recorded the highest percentage of agricultural households engaged in poultry at 65.2%, closely followed by Ebonyi State at 63.3%. 


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