
Gunmen Kill POS Operator In Ekiti, Cart Away Money

There was palpable tension in Adebayo area of Ado-Ekiti, capital of Ekiti State after three gunmen invaded the area to kill a Point of Sale (PoS) operator.

THE WHISTLER learnt that the gunmen numbering three arrived at the scene on a motorcycle via the Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital (EKSUTH) on Thursday.

It was gathered that the gunmen shot the operator simply identified as Alfa Taofeek several times then took the bag which contained money from him before they hurriedly left the scene.

A resident named Blessing said “The guys came on Okada and shot at him from close range killing him on the spot. He was a popular PoS agent in this area, because he always had cash.

“They even took all his money and phones away because he is just settling down for the day’s operations as a PoS agent, you know they deal mostly with cash.”

Reacting to the incident, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Sunday Abutu, confirmed the killing.

He said the command has activated its tactical teams towards arresting the perpetrators.

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