
“I’m forever grateful for the sacrifices you made” – Funke Akindele and Siblings celebrate mother’s 70th posthumous birthday

Nollywood actress Funke Akindele has joined her siblings to celebrate her mother’s posthumous birthday today.

On Instagram, the beautiful actress appreciated her mother’s selflessness, love and support that has been the driving force of her career.

She vowed to continue to uphold her mother’s value and make her proud.

“happy 70th birthday to the most selfless, loving, and supportive mom in the world! today would have been a monumental milestone, and i wish you were here to celebrate with me. your unwavering belief in my dreams, especially my acting career, has been the driving force behind my success. i remember when i struggled in academics, you didn’t push me to conform; instead, you encouraged my passion for dance and drama. your endless support and trust in my abilities helped me discover my true potential. your guidance, encouragement, and unrelenting support have shaped me into the person i am today. i’m forever grateful for the sacrifices you made. your legacy lives on through me, and i promise to continue making you proud. rest in peace, mom. i love you more than words can express.”

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Her brother Poga Akindele celebrated his mother as a best friend and confidante, saying he’s confident that she still attends to his issues in her death.

“Mom, during the times we were together, you were not just a mom but a best friend and a confidante. Now that you are gone, I still know you listen to me whenever any issue bothers my mind. I want you to have a happy birthday in heaven. Thank you for always being there.”

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Her elder sister, Neecee recalled their find memories while she was Ali e, that ked God their time together that was filled with beautiful memories.

“Today would have been your 70th birthday, Mum.

We celebrate your beautiful life and the incredible memories WE hold dear.

Though you are no longer with us, we thank God for the precious time we had together and for the love you shared so generously.

We trust that you are watching over us, guiding and praying for US All.

Happy heavenly birthday, Mum. We miss you every day and carry your love in our hearts always.

Continue to rest in peace.

Love you Mum.”

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