
NDYPC hails Otuaro, Tinubu for pioneering human capital development in Niger Delta

The bold Initiative to carryout series of stakeholders’ consultative meetings, fostering collaboration and inclusive decision making, has earned High Chief Dennis Brutu Otuaro, the administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, high-end praise from Niger Delta Youths for Positive Change, a prominent grassroots organisation.

In a statement made available to newsmen on Sunday, the group’s President General, Comrade Elliot Yibakeni Yibalua, lauded Dr. Otuaro’s commitment to engaging with diverse stakeholders, ensuring that the voices of youths, women, and community leaders are vividly heard.

“This inclusive approach is a significant departure from the past, and we applaud Dr. Otuaro’s dedication to collective progress,” Yibakeni said.

In same vein, the organization also commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his visionary leadership, setting the stage for rapid human capital development in the region. 

“The President’s commitment to investing in the Niger Delta’s human capital is a testament to his administration’s dedication to sustainable development and economic growth,” Yibakeni  noted.

The stakeholders’ consultative meetings, championed by Dr. Otuaro, which held on Friday in Warri, Delta State saw in attendance dignitaries of high social standing.

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