
VIDEO: Nigerians Outraged Over UNILAG Student’s Attack On Lecturer During Class

VIDEO: Nigerians Outraged Over UNILAG Student’s Attack On Lecturer During Class—A shocking video has gone viral, showing a 200-level University of Lagos (Unilag) student engaging in a physical altercation with his lecturer during a class session.


The incident has sparked widespread condemnation and calls for disciplinary action against the student.


According to eyewitnesses, the student had been asked to leave the class after a disagreement with the lecturer. As he was exiting, the lecturer attempted to hold the door open, but the student resisted, leading to a physical scuffle.

The video shows the student shoving and punching the lecturer, leaving many netizens in disbelief.

Watch the video below;

The incident has raised concerns about the growing trend of disrespect and violence against educators.

Read some netizens reactions below;

@Ishow_leck: “He should be expelled instantly. You can’t be this rude to your lecturer and expect the school to tolerate you and your lack of home training.”

@Mrlekan213: “At times if you look at the behavior of some lecturers they really deserve it
They talk anyhow and feel students can’t do anything”

@badlieutenant : “You wouldn’t see this happening in northern universities. Unilag students’ lack of discipline is really bad. That’s why I rather send my child to study in Kaduna instead of Lagos.”

@aideinfluence: “I respect student like this, it takes a lot not be scared of one’s future.”

@Onlineguru_ : “He should just say bye bye to unilag”

Social media users have overwhelmingly condemned the student’s actions, calling for swift and severe disciplinary measures to be taken by the university authorities. Many have argued that such behavior has no place in academic institutions and that students must be held accountable for their actions.

The university has yet to release an official statement on the incident, but many are eagerly awaiting a response to ensure that justice is served and the safety of educators is guaranteed.

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