Movie Reviews

Why Ridley Scott's 1991 Oscar-Winning Movie Must "Never Be Remade" Explained By Geena Davis


  • Thelma & Louise
    , a landmark feminist film, balances proactive elements with lively adventure.
  • Geena Davis believes the movie should never be remade due to its cultural impact and unique place in cinematic history.
  • The film’s portrayal of female empowerment and defiance of traditional gender roles inspired cinema as a whole.

Geena Davis explains why Thelma & Louise must “never be remade.” Directed by Ridley Scott with a script written by Callie Khouri, the 1991 crime drama follows the two titular friends, a homemaker and a waitress, who embark on a road trip that takes an expected turn when they commit a crime and are pursued by police. Besides Davis, the cast includes Susan Sarandon, Harvey Keitel, Michael Madsen, Christopher McDonald, and Brad Pitt in one of his first major roles.

During a recent interview with IndieWire, Davis explained why Thelma & Louise must “never be remade.” The star says that Scott’s film has stood the test of time and still holds up well. In her opinion, there would be no point in revisiting it. However, she acknowledges that not all films fall into this category. Read her full comments below:

It must never be remade. I mean, it’s 30-something years later, and it holds up more than others. I’m not saying this because I’m in it, but it really holds up. And there’s no need to revisit it. What would be the point? In my opinion. It would have to be better. I’m all in favor of making movies that didn’t really work again and making it work. That would be great. Thank God nobody ever tried to remake Casablanca or something… So far! I’m grateful. I would not be happy about that.

Geena Davis Is Right About A Thelma & Louise Remake

There Would Be No Point (& A Lot Of Risk) In Revisiting It

Thelma & Louise was a runaway critical and commercial success upon its release in 1991, and it has largely stood the test of time over the ensuing decades. Critics consider the crime drama a landmark feminist film that deftly balances its more proactive elements with lively adventure, enhanced by Scott’s striking visuals and compelling chemistry between Davis and Sarandon. Thelma & Louise was a box office success, grossing $45.4 million (over two and a half times its $16.5 million budget), and was also the most rented movie of 1992.

Thelma & Louise received six Oscar nominations, including Best Actress in a Leading Role for Sarandon and Davis and Best Director for Scott, though Khouri won for Best Original Screenplay. Thelma & Louise‘s portrayal of female empowerment and defiance of traditional gender roles inspired future generations of film, solidifying its status as a seminal feminist film. Overall, because of its cultural impact and unique place in cinematic history, Davis is right that Thelma & Louise should never be remade, which would only risk tarnishing its legacy.


10 Movies That Should Never Be Remade (But Probably Will Be)

With remakes being incredibly popular in modern-day Hollywood, there are many movies that should never have a remake but likely will in the future.

Luckily, there’s never been any serious attempts to remake Thelma & Louis. In the past few years, there have been persistent rumors about a remake involving Beyoncé and Lady Gaga, which has obviously never materialized. There have also been attempts to reimagine the movie for other mediums, such as a Thelma & Louis musical which was workshopped by Amanda Seyfried and Evan Rachel Wood in January 2023. Overall, Davis is right that Thelma & Louise should never be properly remade.

Thelma & Louise
is streaming on Prime Video and Freevee.

Source: IndieWire

Thelma & Louise

Release Date
May 24, 1991

Callie Khouri

Susan Sarandon , Geena Davis , Harvey Keitel , Michael Madsen , Christopher McDonald , Stephen Tobolowsky

Main Genre

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