Movie Reviews

Why Sydney Still Isnt A Partner In The Bears Restaurant Yet

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Bear season 3.


  • Sydney struggles to commit to her future with Carmy in season 3, hesitating to sign on as his official partner.
  • Carmy’s actions are pushing Sydney away, highlighting his issues in creating a functional workplace by disregarding any input she has.
  • Sydney receiving another job offer from a friend and delaying the signing of Carmy’s contract leaves her future up in the air for The Bear season 4.

The Bear season 3 has an interesting storyline for Sydney, with her still struggling to commit to her future as Carmy’s partner. After The Bear season 2’s ending, Sydney was one of the show’s few characters in a promising position. She had successfully led the titular restaurant to a successful soft opening and had seemingly found her calling. As of The Bear season 3’s ending, however, Syd’s future looks much more uncertain.

Ayo Edebiri remains one of the shining lights of The Bear‘s cast in season 3, translating Sydney’s storyline incredibly well. From acting as a friend to Natalie and Marcus to furthering her relationship with Tina by acting as a level-headed mentor, Sydney’s calm demeanor in the kitchen is a welcome, drastic change from Carmy’s intense, borderline abusive nature. However, Sydney’s reluctance to sign the dotted line and partner with Carmy sets up an interesting story for The Bear season 4, begging the question of why she is so hesitant to commit to a future that seemed perfect not long ago.


I Love The Bear But It Must End After 4 Seasons

The Bear is one of the most electric and emotionally brilliant shows I’ve ever seen, which is exactly why it needs a definitive expiration date.

Carmy Is Too Focused On Making The Bear Perfect Than Paying Attention To Sydney’s Needs

Carmy’s Actions Are Pushing Sydney Away From The Bear

The primary reason why Sydney has not yet committed to Carmy as of The Bear season 3’s ending is Carmy himself. Much of The Bear season 3 centers around Carmy’s inability to create a functional, non-toxic workplace. Be it his endless arguments with Richie or his consistent disregard of Sydney’s opinions, the latter continuously finds The Bear to be a difficult place to work in the most recent season. Several scenes in The Bear season 3 highlight this, especially one where Sydney suggests multiple dishes for a new menu and Carmy ignores her and picks the opposite in every instance.

If Carmy loosened the reins, let others – especially Syd – have input, and treated his would-be partner with more respect, Sydney might be more willing to sign on…

Of course, it is worth noting that these scenes are not supposed to show Carmy as a person who is being intentionally harmful or mean to Sydney. Instead, they indicate that Carmy still has several issues to work through, be it finding a better work-life balance or overcoming the subconscious idea drilled into him by past mentors that creating a hostile, totalitarian workplace creates great chefs and restaurants. If Carmy loosened the reins, let others – especially Syd – have input, and treated his would-be partner with more respect, Sydney might be more willing to sign on as his official accomplice.

Not Making Her A Partner Hints At Sydney Leaving The Bear In Season 4

Sydney Is Entertaining Job Offers Other Than The Bear

Ever CDC (Adam Shapiro) talking about a job opportunity with Sydney (Ayo Edebiri) in The Bear Season 3 Episode 10
Image via FX/Hulu

With The Bear season 3 ending without Sydney committing to the restaurant, it could hint at where her story is going in season 4. One of Sydney’s subplots in The Bear season 3 saw her receive a job offer from her friend Adam Sharpino. Adam worked at Ever, the restaurant owned by one of The Bear‘s many cameo characters, Andrea Terry. In light of Ever closing down, Adam tells Sydney that he wants to open his own place with her as his CDC (chef du cuisine).

Just as Sydney does not give a hard answer to Carmy by signing the partnership agreement, she does not accept or deny Adam’s job offer in The Bear season 3. This, along with the many perks that Adam’s job offer entails, proves that Sydney is not entirely opposed to leaving The Bear if Carmy does not rectify his mistakes. With The Bear season 3 ending on a big cliffhanger, it seems as though Sydney’s decision will be made in season 4, but whether she leaves or commits to Carmy remains up in the air.

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