Movie Reviews

The Legend Of Korra Set Up The Perfect Villain Spinoff (& Why It Will Never Happen)


  • The Legend of Korra
    ‘s third season set up a potential Red Lotus spinoff, focusing on the origins of the antagonists Zaheer and his crew.
  • A Red Lotus spinoff could feature popular
    characters like Tenzin, Zuko, and Sokka, but it’s a hard sell due to the violent nature of the antagonists.
  • The outcome of Zaheer’s exploits is already known, making a prequel less appealing.

The Legend of Korra set a perfect villain spinoff into motion with its third season, but it seems pretty unlikely that the creators of the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise will deliver on that set up. A sequel to the original ATLA series, The Legend of Korra centers on a new bridge between the human and spirit worlds. At first, Korra is an impulsive Avatar — someone who’s focused on physical might and much less in tune with her spiritual side. That changes during the course of season 1 and, more drastically, in the show’s sophomore outing.

As Korra grows, audiences are also given insight into how the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender changed between Aang and Korra’s times as Avatar. While the original series followed a more epic, over-arching storyline, The Legend of Korra employs more self-contained seasons. For example, each of the show’s four seasons features a different antagonist, from season 1’s anti-bending anarchist Amon to season 4’s Kuvira, who steps up to fill the Earth Kingdom’s power vacuum. Of all her foes, however, Korra’s season-three antagonists have the most compelling shared backstory.

The Legend Of Korra Season 3 Set Up A Spinoff About The Red Lotus’ Origins

Zaheer & His Crew Were The Show’s Most Compelling Villains

In The Legend of Korra season 3, the titular Avatar faces off against a group known as the Red Lotus. Unlike Avatar: The Last Airbender‘s White Lotus order, the Red Lotus has no interest in aiding the Avatar. A splinter faction of the Order of the White Lotus, the Red Lotus are self-proclaimed anarchists who use violent means to pursue their ends. Essentially, the Red Lotus members want nothing more than for humans and spirits to coexist once more. In order to achieve that goal, the group wants to dismantle existing nations and their leaders.

When Korra is still young, Zaheer tries to abduct the burgeoning Avatar.

Eventually, the Red Lotus becomes dead-set on ending the Avatar Cycle. When Korra is still young, Zaheer tries to abduct the burgeoning Avatar. Although they fail, Zaheer later escapes imprisonment and releases his comrades in the wake of the ending of The Legend of Korra season 2. A newly minted airbender, Zaheer is more powerful and determined than ever before. Although he tries to kill Korra and end the Avatar Cycle at the end of season 3, Zaheer fails, losing his crew along the way. Even so, the Red Lotus faction is one of Korra‘s most intriguing enemies.


Korra’s 15 Most Impressive Displays Of Powers In The Legend Of Korra

Across The Legend of Korra’s four books, Korra constantly fights masterfully — but several moments stand out as her most impressive displays of power.

There Are Multiple Benefits To A Red Lotus Spinoff Series

During the show’s third outing, it is revealed that Zaheer, Ghazan, P’Li, and Ming-Hua tried to kidnap Korra just after she was confirmed to be the next Avatar. However, their plan was thwarted when Tonraq, Tenzin, Chief Sokka, and Fire Lord Zuko intervened. The attempt landed all four of The Legend of Korra‘s Red Lotus members in various maximum security prisons. Years later, Zaheer and his crew are still incredibly dedicated to their goals of disrupting power structures and dismantling the world’s nations. That said, gaining more insight into the Red Lotus’ philosophies and origins would be incredibly compelling.


Zaheer Killed Sokka In The Legend of Korra – Avatar Theory Explained

The cause of Sokka’s death was kept vague in The Legend of Korra. However, a popular theory suggests the Red Lotus leader Zaheer may have killed him.

Why A Legend Of Korra Villain Spinoff Probably Won’t Happen

A Red Lotus Spinoff Is A Hard Sell Since Viewers Already Know The Outcome

Although seeing characters like Tenzin, Zuko, and Sokka in action again would be incredibly exciting, it’s also true that a Red Lotus spinoff is a hard sell. For starters, viewers already know the outcome of Zaheer’s exploits. While that’s not grounds for rejecting a prequel entirely, it’s also true that Zaheer and his comrades were pretty violent. In particular, scenes like the Earth Queen’s death stand out as especially cruel. It’s hard to imagine Avatar Studios writing an entire series centered around these antagonists, especially if The Legend of Korra and ATLA franchise remain accessible to viewers of all ages.

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