Ancient Apocalypse – The Americas Controversy Explained

Season 2 of Ancient Apocalypse, subtitledThe Americas, was among Netflix’s October new releases, and it is already proving just as controversial as season 1. Ancient Apocalypse is hosted by Graham Hancock, a British journalist who is known for his unconventional beliefs about the history of human life on Earth, but actor Keanu Reeves also had a brief cameo this season. Season 1 was released in November 2022 and explored Hancock’s theory that there was once an advanced civilization that was killed off during the Ice Age.

In Ancient Apocalypse – The Americas, Hancock held the same belief, although this season focused on Hancock’s theories based on the White Sands footprints. Specifically, Hancock argued that, based on the fossilized human footprints found in White Sands, New Mexico, and estimated via carbon dating to be between 21,000 and 23,000 years old, he had evidence that his ancient civilization theory was true. Although the show has proven popular, Hancock’s theories regarding an ancient, advanced civilization have become extremely controversial, both because of Hancock’s logic and the theories’ implications.

Graham Hancock’s Controversial Belief In Ancient Apocalypse Explained

He Believes Previous Humans Went The Way Of The Dinosaurs

Graham Hancock’s theory in Ancient Apocalypse seasons 1 and 2 is that an advanced human civilization existed tens of thousands of years ago but was wiped out during the Ice Age. The title of the show references Hancock’s belief that this mass extinction was brought on by an apocalyptic event, specifically by comets hitting the Earth (not unlike what happened to the dinosaurs). Hancock contends that this civilization would explain how so many advancements existed in ancient times.

Hancock contends that this civilization would explain how so many advancements existed in ancient times.

In The Americas, in particular, Hancock argues that the White Sands footprints are proof that the currently accepted history of human existence in North America is incorrect, meaning there is much more that is unknown and left to uncover. This conclusion is derived from the carbon dating of the footprints, which, as mentioned, estimates that the footprints are between 21,000 and 23,000 years old. Previously, it was thought that human beings hadn’t appeared in North America until closer to 16,000 years ago.


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Why Scientists Have Criticized Graham Hancock

He Doesn’t Adhere To A Rigorous Scientific Method

There is a host of reasons why these claims and Ancient Apocalypse more generally have proven controversial among scientists, archaeologists in particular. Among the accusations lodged at Hancock are that he cherry-picks data and that he exemplifies confirmation bias. In terms of cherry-picking data, numerous scientists have pointed out that Hancock will pull from commonly held beliefs in archeology when it suits his purposes, such as with the carbon dating of the White Sands footprints, but he ignores other data if it contradicts his conclusions.

Essentially, the argument is that Hancock already had his conclusion (that an advanced civilization existed and was wiped out) from the outset.

This issue is the same one many point to when arguing Hancock exhibits confirmation bias. Confirmation bias essentially means that any new information is automatically fitted to agree with the perception one already holds. Essentially, the argument is that Hancock already had his conclusion (that an advanced civilization existed and was wiped out) from the outset, and his only goal was to prove that conclusion. The scientific method would instead require deductive reasoning, meaning one comes to a conclusion based on the evidence found. The lack of neutral professionalism is a criticism that has followed Hancock his entire career, dating back decades to his time as a journalist.

Why Graham Hancockโ€™s Ice Age Theory Is So Controversial

Hancock’s Views Could Be Considered Anti-Science & Anti-Human

A stone structure from Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix

Even compared to other Netflix documentaries on UFOs/UAPs and the unexplained, Graham Hancock’s theories have raised alarm for several reasons. In terms of these theories’ implications for science, many have expressed concerns about Hancock potentially causing viewers to doubt not only scientific evidence but also the word of scientists more broadly. This is due to Hancock’s insistence that “mainstream science” is either deliberately ignoring this ancient history or is intentionally misleading the public.

It should be noted that Graham Hancock does not have a background in scientific or archaeological research. His degree from Durham University was in sociology.

Hancock has also been criticized for contributing to the belief that hunter-gatherer societies could not have developed advanced technologies independently but rather must have had some other civilization providing them with this knowledge and teaching them any advancements. The larger implication of this theory, many have argued, is that Indigenous communities were not capable of intelligent advancement on their own, whether Hancock intended that messaging or not. It’s important to note, theories of this nature are a widespread issue extending beyond just Ancient Apocalypse.

The overarching issue many have identified with the show is its categorization on Netflix. Because Ancient Apocalypse is listed as a docuseries, the show could be misconstrued as fact when, in reality, Hancock’s assertions throughout both seasons are just theories. While this is a consideration happening at the network level, criticism remains largely directed at Graham Hancock himself. Ancient Apocalypse – The Americas is still a new release, so responses are ongoing, but for now, the show’s newest season seems just as controversial as its predecessor.

Ancient Apocalypse Poster

Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age.

Graham Hancock

Release Date
November 10, 2022

Bruce Kennedy