Din Djarin Would Definitely Kill Darth Vader: The Sith Lord's Secret Mandalorian Connection Explained

I recently learned that Darth Vader has a hidden connection to the Mandalorians in Star Wars, which could have led to a fight with Din Djarin. Although Din Djarin was likely an active bounty hunter during the Star Wars original trilogy, he never encountered Vader, at least not as far as we know. Vader often hired the legendary Boba Fett, who wore beskar armor but was not considered a true Mandalorian.

While the armor that kept Vader alive was not made of Beskar, one component was derived from Mandalorian technology. Star Wars: Darth Vader: A 3-D Reconstruction Log reveals several fascinating facts about Vader’s armor, including a deadly instrument that wouldn’t be possible without the Mandalorians. If Din Djarin had known that Vader possessed something from Mandalorian culture, he likely would have killed Vader or died trying.

Darth Vader’s Armor Incorporates A Mandalorian Crushgauntlet

Perhaps a Force choke is more merciful

Custom Image by Nathaniel Roark

According to the “Gloves/Boots” section of Darth Vader: A 3-D Reconstruction Log, Vader’s mechanical right hand is “an authentic Mandalorian crushgaunt.” The internal structure gives Vader incredible squeezing strength, which would be invaluable for holding onto something in a dangerous situation or even choking the life out of an enemy. The Mandalorians may have developed this to counter Jedi Force abilities, a useful tool after Vader’s connection to the Force was lessened by losing his limbs.


I find Vader’s crushgaunt fascinating because of how strong it must be compared to his left hand. One of Vader’s first actions in A New Hope, was choking Captain Antilles to death with his left hand, so how much more gruesome would it have been had he used the crushgaunt? The guide also mentions that Vader’s Force abilities further enhance his strength, making his mechanical limbs deadly weapons.

The Mandalorians Would NOT Be Happy At Their Armor Being Used Like This

Din Djarin would have killed others for far less

The Mandalorian emphasized how Din Djarin and his clan did not tolerate non-Mandalorians wearing their armor. He nearly killed Cobb Vanth on the spot when he refused to give up Boba Fett’s armor, only avoiding a fight when the two came to an agreement. Din Djarin was similarly hesitant to return the armor to Boba Fett and only did so when Boba proved that it belonged to his father.


These 10 Surprising Facts Make Darth Vader’s Armor Even Cooler Than I Thought

Fallen Jedi, Sith Lord, and iconic villain: Darth Vader’s armor encapsulates his character, but how does it work and why was it designed this way?

Considering how the Empire ruled and later destroyed much of Mandalorian society, Din Djarin would probably have been especially offended by Darth Vader possessing a Mandalorian crushgaunt. He may not win in a fight against a Dark Lord of the Sith, but I could easily see Din Djarin throwing away an assignment to take back what rightfully belongs to the Mandalorians. It’s an epic duel to imagine, even if it never happens in Star Wars canon.